Damned milkshakes!

Felicia Hardy was bored sipping a strawberry milkshake, sitting in an anonymous bar in Queens. She lazily scrolled the instagram feed, infested with people on vacation and funny maps. The latter were her recent passion: in which states was it legal to spank children? How many circumcised males are there in each nation? Felicia used to get so excited reading that stuff. Her passion had waved for a moment when she came across a map with the subject "is more popular Black Cat or Cat Woman?". Apparently Black Cat went strong only in Bulgaria and the Baltic countries. Ah, obviously Black Cat is the alter ego of Felicia Hardy, a superheroine who has her phases, sometimes she’s good, sometimes she’s bad.

When she finally looked up, beyond the window she saw Doctor Octopus pass by. "Where is he going?" thought Felicia, who paid in a hurry and began to follow him. The doctor wore a hood, not to be recognized, forgetting perhaps the four showy metal tentacles that sprouted from his back.

The two walked about three miles, until the doctor entered a building. It was the headquarters of Pacotex, a company that produced insecticides.

It was Sunday and the building was empty. The door was blocked, Felicia had to come up with something. She activated the heat sensor: the doctor had stopped on the 12th floor. A few minutes later she was there too. How did she do it? Who knows.

Once inside, however, she noticed something strange: she felt extremely weak and was immediately a problem, because Octopus had noticed her. He threw his fearsome tentacles at her. Felicia tried to avoid them, but her usual agility had suddenly vanished. Moments later, those tentacles were already crushing her.

"Black Cat! You’re finally here" exclaimed Doctor Octopus.

"Finally?" Felicia asked with difficulty.

"You fell into my trap, dear pussy. You thought you were stalking me, but I led you here. I’ve had my eye on you for a while, and I noticed you were spending a lot of time in that bar, where, by the way, milkshakes are terrible."

"How dare you?! Their milkshakes are… Ehm, what do you want from me, you psychopath?! Argh!" The grip tightened.

"Have you not yet understood who I am? Have you not wondered why you are deprived of your powers here?"

"Honestly, I couldn’t think straight, because I’m fighting the pain."

"Understandable. Well, cutting short I’m Parallel-x, I created this reality for you and blah blah blah, I guess you know how it works."

"Alas, I do. You’re using the real Doctor Octopus or recreating him? Not that I care, actually"

"It’s him. Look, I’m not very fit today, I can’t waste time. Let’s get to the point."

The tentacles stopped crushing Black Cat, but it was an ephemeral relief. Thousands of volts began torturing Felicia’s poor voluptuous body.


Black Cat was also off the list.


 Who do you like to see as next Paralell-X's victim? Let me know in the comments!


 Note: The materials displayed above are just fantasies. All the characters are the intellectual property of their owners and hereby used solely for the purpose of fan-based fiction and artistic expression. This blog is absolutely against all forms of violence and harassment.
