Cranky Hair

Hawkeye had awakened in the bed of the clinic located on the 28th floor of the Avengers tower.

“Clint, how are you feeling? What happened?", Black Widow asked worriedly.

"It's that motherfucker Parallel-X's fault,", Hawkeye replied, furiosly, despite in a whisper of a voice.

“That bastard broke my balls! Now rest, what matters is that it's all over." Hawkeye nodded.

"The doctors say you might be discharged by the afternoon", Black Widow said, "once home, I have a surprise in store for you." She came close to her boyfriend's ear and whispered something so as not to be heard by the nurse, who was in the room to take away the lunch plates. It was a new game under the covers. Hawkeye raise a smile. At that point Natasha brought her hand to her boyfriend's face and gently stroked his cheek. Suddenly she felt her body being dematerialized.

She probably fainted for a few moments. When she awoke she was no longer in the bedroom of the clinic, but on a street in an unknown city. It was night.

Natasha immediately understood what was happening. She felt her heart beat. A completely new fear had pervaded her. For the first time in her life she felt helpless, a helpless victim of events. She knew what awaited her, even if she ignored the modalities. It was nothing pleasant.

After a few minutes she realized she was not alone. A female silhouette approached. Medusa's thick, interminable hair soon became sharp.

"Black Widow, I finally got you", she said. Natasha immediately understood that the interlocutor was completely unaware.

"Whatever you are referring to, know it's all Parallel-X."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Medusa dismissed her hastily. The queen of the Inhumans flung her hair at Black Widow. Her usual agility had abandoned the Russian superhero. Medusa's purple hair wrapped around Black Widow's wrists, ankles and belly. The inhuman was able to psychokinetically manipulate her thick hair, so as to use it for the most disparate functions. "It is a pleasure to be in front of the famous Russian ex-spy, the legendary Black Widow! I learned that you have been giving yourself to the good guys for some time ... how long are you going to perpetrate this pantomime?"

A stout lock of hair slipped off Natasha's boots and began to tickle her bare feet. Natasha started to laugh hysterically. 

The tickle was surprisingly hard to bear, yet she fervently hoped that the torture was limited to that. Unfortunately not. Hair wrapped around Natasha's body, from breasts to ankles, and she began to squeeze it. "Aagh!"

“I don't believe in your redemption, Black Widow. Do people change? Of course. But you… I have rarely known examples of such cruelty. You had no qualms about torturing and killing innocent people… dozens and dozens of people have suffered because of you. I see it in your gaze that you haven't changed. You still have that evil spark in your eyes."

“Damn it, Medusa, it's only the second time we've met. Do you think you can frame me in such a short time? Those words are put into your mouth by Parallel-X, you see?! "

"You are pathetic." The squeeze increased in intensity.

“We're just warming up, Black Widow. The best is yet to come."

Parallel-X watched the scene with amusement; ethereal shaper of a world that existed only there and in that moment. He, who could embody any body or shape in the universe, described incorporality as the most magnificent experience there was. He felt he had changed; sometimes he wondered if he was really doing it to save Mynphis, the love of his life, that he wanted to save from eternal pain. Maybe his priorities were changing? He was becoming more and more powerful and at the same time he was learning about his nature and the potential of his being. The goal of a world, or why not, of permanent worlds no longer seemed so distant. Then, yes, he would have been a god.



While Paralell-X was introspecting, Medusa had taken the hard way, harassing poor Natasha with nearly infinite power electric shocks. Moreover, the laws of the universe did not count there. Black Widow as she screamed in pain wanted nothing more than to die. When the torture ended she did not know how much time had passed, whether it was hours or minutes, but she knew that from that moment on she would never be the same again.


She had been hospitalized in the same room as Hawkeye. "Natasha, you have been awake for almost an hour, why don't you talk?"

“I don't want to. Honestly, I don't want anything. I want to leave the Avengers."

"What are you saying?! It's the shock that speaks, but you will soon recover."

“No, I'm very lucid. I regret my old life as a criminal. What has being a superhero lead me? To be tortured, humiliated, stripped of my dignity. I'm not a good person, Clint."


Who do you like to see as next Paralell-X's victim? Let me know in the comments!

 Note: The materials displayed above are just fantasies. All the characters are the intellectual property of their owners and hereby used solely for the purpose of fan-based fiction and artistic expression. This blog is absolutely against all forms of violence and harassment.

