Wasted Day

Clint and Natasha had woken up quite late that morning, if 1pm can be considered morning: probably not. Indeed, certainly not, but Clint thought otherwise. "It's morning when you wake up, regardless of the time", he said. It was these little eccentricities of him Natasha was crazy about, in a good way.

"This morning you are more beautiful than usual, as if you had rested in the bed of angels", he said, stroking her face. Natasha threw her pillow in his face. "Today you surpassed yourself", she said with a tone between amused and disgusted. Every morning they played this game: Clint enjoyed starting with the most goofy and pathetic phrase he could think of. “Come on, let's get up. At least today I wish I could see the sunlight”, Natasha said. Unfortunately it was their harsh reality, their superhero lives took place mainly at night, when crime finds more fertile ground. None of them had superpowers; they were "simply" extraordinary human beings. They had sacrificed almost every pleasure in order to develop their skills. This is why Hawkeye and Black Widow were so respected in the superhero world.

"Sex before saving the world?", Clint asked hopefully. "Granted."



After an afternoon in the gym, it was time for Hawleye to take action. The mission wasn't the most thrilling, but it was still necessary. No enemies from who knows what planet, just a banal underworld organization; but their leader, a certain Alejandro Nelson, had hired four thugs of superhuman strength, the result of the experiments of some second-rate scientist. The police stayed away from anything supernatural. What were superheroes for, otherwise? Nelson managed the cocaine trafficking of much of the city, with brutal methods, too.

Becky Sharp had found out everything. She was a former police officer who went to work on her own. She often collaborated with Hawkeye.

Clint decided to swing by a bar before surprising Nelson in his hideout. Having a drink helped him relax before a mission. The work in question could be considered routine, but Hawkeye knew that the unexpected lurked everywhere. A beautiful African American waitress served him a gin and tonic in a cheap plastic glass. For some reason Clint loved to relax in the worst taverns in town.


Becky Sharp had explained perfectly where Nelson's headquarters were. Clint hoped to find him there, but he wasn't sure at all. The port seemed deserted at that time of night, but obviously it wasn't.

“Are you looking for someone? You know, a guy dressed as a superhero with bow and arrows arouses some attention." He was one of Nelson's super-henchmen. “Wow, you have an arm as wide as a jeep. Well, and the other arm as well”, Hawkeye replied derisively. "I'll make you pass the urge to joke, rookie."

"Sure? From the slowness with which you threw that punch at me, I would say that you are not on the right track." He did not want to waste time, so he gave the opponent an electric shock of thousands of volts through one of his special arrows. He was already ko. The other three guards all fought him at the same time, but Hawkeye got rid of him easily anyway." And now, the two of us, Alejandro Nelson."


The criminal was waiting for him sitting in front of an elegant desk. It was pretty quiet. "Good evening, Hawkeye, I've been waiting for you."

"I see you know me."

"Of course, I brought you here."

"What do you mean?"

"This." Nelson raised his arm. At the same time Hawkeye rose into the air, lifted by an invisible force. His movement ended up against a wall. He was chained.

"What the fuck ... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!" He was struck by a strong electric shock. "You shouldn't ... you won't be ..."

“Yep, I'm Parallel-X. I made fun of you a bit. "


"Where is the real Nelson?"

Parallel-X burst into laughter. “There has never been any Alejandro Nelson. You've been living in the universe created by me all day. "


“You know very well what I want. I guess I'm pretty well known in the superhero environment, right?"

“Okay, you will torture me. I can, at least, ask you a few questions. There are so many things I don't understand."

“Ah! You humans always expect to understand everything. Ask me a few questions, but know that the answers will be disappointing."

"Since did I live in your universe? I want to know the precise moment."

“Ever since the pillow thrown by Black Widow hit you in the face. They are called gaps: they are objects-passages thanks to which I give access to my worlds."

"But why let me live a whole day in illusion? You are interested in my pain, right? It was enough to lead me into your world and start torturing me, right? "

"Why? Well, that's a lot more fun. And also because I'm doing tests."

"What kind of tests?"

"I can't tell you that."


"I confess that I prefer to torture women, but you too have a beautiful voice when you scream."


"It was a pleasure to chat with you, Hawkeye, but from now on I will prefer to enjoy the show in silence."

Parallel-X tortured Hawkeye for more than four uninterrupted hours.





 “Clint! Clint! Can you hear me?" It was Black Widow's voice.



 Note: The materials displayed above are just fantasies. All the characters are the intellectual property of their owners and hereby used solely for the purpose of fan-based fiction and artistic expression. This blog is absolutely against all forms of violence and harassment.
