The Meeting

The board was almost full, only an empty chair remained. "Who is missing?", asked Green Lanter. "Selina", Batman replied. "What? Did you invite Catwoman? Are you crazy, Bruce?!", asked Hawkgirl, who had a bad record with her. "She's been running straight for several years now, I think she deserves a chance."

"Arriving late to the first Justice League meeting she's been invited to is a great way to grab a chance", Flash said sarcastically.

"It's very weird, she's usually never late", remarked Batman.

“No wonder, you can’t steal millions of dollars by being late. Punctuality and accuracy are essential”, Hawkgirl attacked again.

"I'd say to start anyway, it’s getting pretty late", said Wonder Woman.

"I'd start with order of the day: Clark's 50th birthday party", joked Flash.

"What? No, I'm still forty-one years old. And my birthday is in four months", said Superman, who had no sense of humor, which, paradoxically, often made others laugh a lot. This was also the case.

"Let's get serious. We need to seriously talk about Parallel-X. How dangerous is it? What he wants? His figure is shrouded in mystery”, said Wonder Woman.

“We thought he was only targeting superheroes, but just yesterday the news came that he attacked a civilian”, said Green Lantern.

“It’s true, but he didn't struck a random civilian, but the most famous radio speaker in Metropolis. I believe he expected that she would divulge the episode. In fact, I really think it was his goal”, commented Martian Manhunter .

“So, he wants the whole world to know. Likely. What is he aiming for? He wants to spread terror?"

“These are all hypotheses. What I don't get right is… are they really tortures for their own sake? Is it pure sadism?"

"I do not know. He seems to want nothing from his victims but pain. It really makes little sense."

“So, we don't know anything about his motive. What do we know about him, instead?"

"That he is a piece of shit." A new voice joined the discussion. Everyone turned: Catwoman was at the door.

“Selina! What happened to you?!" Batman asked eagerly. His friend looked very bad and her costume was torn in several places.

“Parallel-X”, she replied seraphically.

Then she told the facts. The story was very simple: Joker had tied her to a machine and tortured her with electroshock.

"How do you know it wasn't the real Joker?" Superman asked.

“First of all, because I have no idea how I got into that damn room. A moment before I was shopping at the mall. And also because what he was telling me didn't make any sense. He asked me where I had hidden the Devil's Diamond. What the fuck is the Devil's Diamond?"

"Wait, he asked Vixen the same question."

"Maybe his goal is to find this elusive Devil's Diamond?"

“It doesn’t explain why he mentioned it with only two of the victims. Maybe it's just a way to lead us astray."

"It's all damn absurd."

"Selina, have you got to find out anything?"

"Nada. Just a detail. I expressed myself badly before. I believe that he was the really Joker, but under Parallel-X control. In short, either Paralell-X had assumed his appearance or he used it as a puppet: he was unaware of everything. Honestly, I bet on the second hypothesis. A moment before passing out and being recaptured in the real world, our eyes ran into each other. In his eyes there was pure bewilderment, as if he had only regained consciousness of himself at that moment and did not understand what the hell was going on."

"Moral of the story: we are completely on the high seas and sooner or later we will all fall into his clutches", said Flash, witty and resigned.

"Well, considering that almost all of his victims are women, you can be a little more optimistic", Hawkgirl replied, piqued.

"Unfortunately, that's a very good observation", said Green Lantern.

“It could be a confirmation that he is acting out of sadism. He takes pleasure in inflicting pain on women."

"The fact that he always leaves them barefoot would strengthen the hypothesis of the sexual motive. Maybe he's also a fetishist”, remarked Wonder Woman.

"What about Iron Man?"

"Maybe he's bisexual."

"Straight, with some bisexual tendencies."

"Would an extraterrestrial guy travel to earth just for this?"

"Is it really extraterrestrial?"

"Is it really a problem?" Catwoman asked surprising everyone.

“What do you mean, Selina? You, who have just been one of his victims..."

“It's true, and I hate him for that, I would choke him with my hands, if at least we were sure he has a fucking body, but, after all, is it really a problem? For humanity, I mean. It doesn't kill, basically it only takes it out on superheroes. What are you afraid of? To scream a little?"

"There are those who have been traumatized. Hoshi or Karen, for exemple. Maybe she was more lenient with you, after all you don't even have superpowers”, said Hawkgirl.

“What do you mean to insinuate? When it happens to you, I'm sure you'll cry like a baby."

Hawkgirl slammed her fists on the table and stood up to face Catwoman, but Batman save that one.

“Girls, girls! This is not the time to fight." Calm returned and the meeting went on for at least three hours. At the end of the discussion it was clear to everyone that hundreds, perhaps thousands of pieces were still missing to complete the “Parallel-X Puzzle”.



Who do you like to see as next Paralell-X's victim? Let me know in the comments!

 Note: The materials displayed above are just fantasies. All the characters are the intellectual property of their owners and hereby used solely for the purpose of fan-based fiction and artistic expression. This blog is absolutely against all forms of violence and harassment.
