
Four months before the arrival of Parallel-X on Earth

Celyvea was the only planet to rotate around X98d, her star, as if Venus lost her brothers. Unlike Venus, however, it was perfectly suited for life. In fact, nature flourished, both in fauna and flora, and luckily for her it had not developed any civilization capable of destroying it. From space, Celyvea was colored with a beautiful bright green, the result of who knows what gases dissolved in the atmosphere. To tell the truth, at that moment, there were some unfortunate children of advanced civilizations right there. They called themselves The Guardians of the Galaxy. They were a heterogeneous group of outcasts from the most disparate places in the universe. Gamora stood out among them, or at least stood out in the eyes of Parallel-X, who observed, hidden among the clouds of the stratosphere.

"Paox, she's perfect for the test", Gregyx said.

"Because is she hot?"

"If I have to spend a few minutes with someone, I would rather they are good-looking. Besides, she is very similar to human beings."

"For that matter, your partner looks just like a human."

"You know that females are preferable, that son of a bitch of my father established that."

“So, what are you waiting for? Take action. "

"Hand me a piece of mikinat."



The usual pantomime was playing on the surface.

"Damn raccoon, there is no trace of any gems here!" Starlord yelled.

"How many times have I told you I'm not a raccoon?! Ah yes, I'm a raccoon. My radar says it's here. And it's very reliable”, Rocket replied.

"Oh yeah, like that time it sent us to Mizar instead of Mirzam", Gamora intervened. Groot and Drax laughed. The fight was interrupted by the sound of a crash.



"The bait has landed", Paox said.

Starlord picked up the object that had fallen from the sky. It was a small, brightly colored stone, impossible not to notice. "Where does this come from?"

"Show it", Gamora said. Starlord threw it at her. She was struck by the weight, notable for its small mass, and how smooth and pleasant it was to the touch. She was about to return it to her companion, but when she looked up she winced: she was in space, alone and immobilized by an invisible force. “Good morning, Gamora”, Gregyx said. "Who are you? What's going on?”, She couldn't see him. “Lot of people call me Parallel-X. You are in a parallel reality that I have just created."

"What do you want from me?"

“I'll get back to you by telling you my story. And I hope that in the end you will be able to forgive me." Gamora broke into a cold sweat. “My real name is Gregyz and I come from a very distant planet called Uteet. Its king is Catyus, a demigod who exercises his power in a despotic and inhuman way. In particular, he is obsessed with the idea of ​​race purity. Before he gained power, different peoples coexisted peacefully on Uteet. Not anymore. Catyus is practicing genocide: anyone who does not belong to the Fex ethnic group is killed or deported. Especially, he hates the Meomeos, the largest and poorest population. Uteet is huge and the Meomeos are, unfortunately or fortunately, skilled in hiding, but soon the extermination will be completed. Here I come in. For years, my beloved Mynphis and I have helped the Meomeos escape to nearby planets in the shade. Until Catyus got us: his punishment was awful. He condemned Mynphis to eternal pain. A machine, powered by the energy of the stars, torture her relentlessly. He was more merciful with me, because, well, unfortunately I am his son. He exiled me, offering me a way to save Mynphis. Next to her there is a huge hourglass filled with sand in the upper half. Every time I cause pain to someone, a little sand slips down. Also, during that, the machine stops torturing Mynphys. You get his evil mind? He condemned me to do the sames he does: make people suffer, the thing I've always fought against. And here we are. I have the ability to create parallel worlds, I inherited it from my father, but I never put it into practice, because only his magic is allowed on Uteet and the entire galaxy."

“Sad story. I guess I have no choice but to endure your torture. You brought me here for this, right? Come on, do it, but you will not have my forgiveness. "

"I'm sorry, really."

gamora tortured

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!", Gamora began to experience excruciating pain, more and more increasing.

gamora from guardians of the galaxy getting tortured

Each time it seemed to have reached its limit, it increased further. "GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH !!", her leather clothes were ripped off as if they were tissue paper, revealing her magnificent naked body. The light of the energy unleashed by Parallel-X illuminated the girl's green skin, which almost looked like a small newborn star.

naked gamora ryona

After a while everything disappeared, Gregyx had run out of strength. Gamora awoke in Starlord's worried arms. He was crying.




"How did it go?" Paox asked.

"Unfortunately, or fortunately, I can."

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Note: The materials displayed above are just fantasies. All the characters are the intellectual property of their owners and hereby used solely for the purpose of fan-based fiction and artistic expression. This blog is absolutely against all forms of violence and harassment.
