
The President of the United States of America was reading as usual the main national newspapers sitting at the desk of the Oval Office. It seemed incredible, but Lex Luthor, one of the richest men on Earth, owner of LexCorp, a multinational company with a turnover higher than the gdp of all the states of South America put together, but above all a sworn enemy of superheroes and therefore once despised by the population,  had managed to win the election and had become the most powerful man in the world.

His relaxing time was interrupted by the noise of the door.

A blonde girl broke in. “Uhm, security? Thank you for your valuable work”, Luthor said sarcastically on the intercom. Power Girl walked to the threshold of the desk. Her white costume exalted her slender and elegantly powerful body. A wide neckline showed her prosperous breasts.

"Good evening Karen, I know perfectly well that the agents around the office are a bunch of inepts, but you shouldn’t enjoy it.”

"My eyes are up here…” said Powegirl, annoyied.

"I’m sorry, but your costume is very provocative, don’t you think? Anyway, what do you have to say so urgently to the President of the United States." Pronouncing those words inebriatedted him and fed his narcissistic cult.

"An invisible and frightening threat is casting its shadow on our planet. We don't know who it is or what it wants, but we superheroes are also helpless in front of its power. We therefore need  all the brightest, most powerful and wealthiest minds to understand how to stop it. And you happen to be part of all three categories. "
Lex laughed out loud. "Thank you for the compliments, but you will understand that as President of the United States (he turned and smiled at a non-existent camera) I have much more important things than Parallel-X to think about."

"An invisible and frightening threat is casting its shadow on our planet. We don't know who it is or what it wants, but we superheroes are also helpless in front of its power. We therefore need all the brightest, most powerful and wealthiest minds to manage how to stop it. And you happen to be part of all three categories.” Lex laughed out loud. "Thank you for the compliments, but you will understand that as President of the United States (He turned and smiled at a non-existent camera) I have something else to think about. And just between us, Parallel-X is undefeatable.”

"What? How can you be so meek?! Your assistant, Mercy Graves, is one of the victims!"

"I'm sorry, but I have a war in the Middle East to organize. Security, take the young lady out."

“You are a charlatan!” she yelled at him while the security agents grabbed her cloak.


 Suddenly the sight of Power Girl clouded until it turned black. A few seconds later she was able to see again, but found she was chained to a metal wall.

"What a scared face, Power Girl," said a bodyless voice.

“Parallel-X, I guess.”

“You’re right, Karen.”

power girl in distress

"What a scared face, Power Girl," said a bodyless voice.
Power Girl was terrified and appalled. "You won't be in league with Lex Luthor, won't you ..." she asked in a voice broken by fear.
Parallel-X grinned. "It would be absurd, don't you think?"
"Then tell me how things really are," said the blonde.

power girl tied up

Power Girl was terrified and appalled. "You’re not in league with Lex Luthor, are you?" she asked in a voice broken by fear and anger.

Parallel-X bursted out laughing. "I’m sorry, I made fun of you all along. You never talked to Lex Luthor, you talked to me.”

“I should have know. What is your goal?”

Parallel-X pretended not to hear her. "Come on, stop shaking. Maybe your feet are cold? Do you want your boots back?”

Power Girl's eyes went bright.

"Don't cry, please. In a few minutes it will be all over" the man said mockingly. "Since you are such a sweet girl, I will proceed step by step. Let's start with a tenth of the energy."

power girl electrocuted

A grimace of pain sculpted itself on the young woman's face as her body was wrapped in a bundle of bright thunderbolts.

"How's it going, Power Girl? Shall we move on to level 3?" It was a rhetorical question.

"Ghhhhh!" the girl groaned, gritting her teeth to resist the pain.

"It hurts, right? Maybe it's better to go to level 10, so we take the thought off, what do you think?

"It hurts, right? Maybe it's better to go to level 10, so we take the thought off, what do you think?


naked superheroine power girl in distress

Her own screams rang in her ears and they kept doing it like an echo until she woke up in the arms of Superman.

“Karen, are you okay?”

“I’m not, fuck.”


Polls: What character would you like to see in peril? Write it in the comments section!(There was a problem: comments didn't appear.Now I should have fixed it)

If you are interested in commissions send me a mail at

Note: The materials displayed above are just fantasies. All the characters are the intellectual property of their owners and hereby used solely for the purpose of fan-based fiction and artistic expression. This blog is absolutely against all forms of violence and harassment.


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