Troubles at the hospital

Given his hypochondria, King Shark had no desire to pay that urological visit, but on the other hand, he had to understand why his urine had been brown for the past two weeks. A weird kind of brown, to be honest. You know when you tried to make purple with watercolors, but something went wrong and every attempt at a remedy made the situation worse? Well, the color was similar to that. But tending to green. In short, King Shark's pee had something wrong with it. Obviously, being a criminal he didn't have health insurance, but fortunately business was going well. He would have liked to be in the same economic stability when, as a child, his first banal human milk tooth had fallen and a twelve-centimeter shark's tooth had grown in its place. Maybe at the time it would have been possible to stop the transformation.

Obviously he had brought his crewmates, Harley Quinn, the leader, and Poison Ivy, both of whom were delighted to spend the whole afternoon at the Gotham hospital. All three were sitting in the waiting room waiting for someone to call him. “Stop with that damn leg, you're pissing me off too”, Harley told him. All in all, that time could be used to plan the next plan, the two women thought. The plan in question involved the laundromat on Fourth Street. In fact, they had decided to abandon the big projects: no more banks, millionaire villas, casinos; but many shots but sure.

Finally they called King Shark. "At the end of the corridor, turn left, Dr Five's office is behind the third door you find". a very kind nurse told him. King Shark wanted to telling four times to make sure he had not misunderstood. This didn't stop him from turning right and opening the first door: the blood donation door.


King Shark was a nice guy, a good egg, a simple, correct, patient person, with the habit of murder, of course, but who has no vices? He also donated twenty dollars a month to SaveTheChildren, for exemple. A wonderful person. Only one thing made him lose his mind: the smell of blood.

Fortunately there was none in the room. The blood was tightly sealed in airtight metal bags. But King Shark was curious, did the smell still have that slightly crazy effect on him? It was time to check it out. So he stole one of those bags from a boy's hands and slashed it with his teeth.

Meanwhile Ivy watched, bored, Harley  playing Snake on her cell phone. She had downloaded the app after reading a nostalgic meme about the 90s. They had prepared the laundry plan in four seconds. The idea of ​​beating washing machines immediately seemed excellent. During her best game, Harley felt her friend's elbow on her side. Many times. "Harley, Harley, look!"

A red river came into the hall. Soon after, King Shark appeared, visibly embarrassed. "Shark, what happened?" Asked her companions, fearful of the answer. “A nurse overturned a cauldron of sangria”, he replies. Ivy put her mouth to Harley's ear. "I think he's lying," she whispered.


That same evening the discussions in the lair were heated. “Shark, you mauled seventy-two people! Seventy-two blood donors, the best part of this hideous town”, Harley yelled at him. “Sixty-seven, the others were doctors and nurses”, Ivy corrected her.

"The two best part of this hideous city!"

“The area around Union Square is actually not bad at all. You know, where they built those new buildings. Among other things, also that dude lives there, what's his name? "

"Jim Gordon?" Said Dr Psycho.


"Batman?" said Clayface.





"Lebron James?"

"Not even."

"Kamala Harris?"


"David Hasselhoff?"

"No. But maybe it was Commissioner Gordon"

"OK, however you want. The two best parts of this hideous city, if we leave out the area around Union Square, which is quite nice."

 "Oh ..." King Shark commented sadly. 

“In my opinion, with a nice, catchy tweet, we get by,” Ivy said.

Harley smashed the table with a sledgehammer. "There's my damn name on that of the crew. My reputation is ruined! "

"I don't think that's a bad thing for a supervillain."

“Do you know who was a donor? Jesse James. Can I dishonor his memory? I've made up my mind, I'll donate blood every day for six months”, Harley declared.

“I don't think it's physically possible”, Ivy replied.

"Every Wednesday?"

"Not even."

"Tuesday and Thursday, every other week?"

"Not even."

"Alright then. I will donate often, starting tomorrow. Shark, don't you dare set foot in that hospital again. Ivy, you come with me."


"I beg you."


The next day Harley and Ivy were sitting again in that waiting room, in the company of Dr Psycho, who had nothing to do. "Harley, you're squeezing my hand!" cried Ivy

The truth was that Harley hated doctors and was terrified of needles. Precisely for this reason she loved to accompany friends and acquaintances at the hospital, because she was not the "victim", just as she loved to accompany them to the airport, hating planes, or to the dentist, hating ... well who loves dentists?

When it was her turn, Harley threatened a couple of doctors with a knife to let her friends in with her, and unlike King Shark, they guessed the right room. A nurse offered her a glass of tea. Harley gladly accepted and drank it in one gulp. Instantly her vision blurred and seconds later she lost consciousness.

Se awoke in an extremely dark room. She was chained. "Wow, they're extremely strict in this hospital" she thought immediately, "I like it."

She immediately changed her mind when a shock of thousands of volts hit her. She realized she was tied to a torture machine. She was struck by a second shock, stronger and more prolonged. The pain was unimaginable, she screamed like she had never done before in her life. A little time is enough to overcome. The next shock tore her apart. It was much more powerful than the others and above all it seemed to never end. 


Until someone pulled her out of there.


 Who do you like to see as next Paralell-X's victim? Let me know in the comments!


 Note: The materials displayed above are just fantasies. All the characters are the intellectual property of their owners and hereby used solely for the purpose of fan-based fiction and artistic expression. This blog is absolutely against all forms of violence and harassment.
