
The theater was packed for the show of Zatanna, the new rising star of magic. Many are wondering how she managed in her amazing acts. The answer was simply that Zatanna was no ordinary human being; she actually owned magical powers. Of course it was a secret, except for the members of the Justice League, one of the most important superhero groups in the world.

Act after act, Zatanna conquered the public. On stage, things never seen before happened: apparitions of elephants, snakes able to recite Shakespeare, plays of light that had nothing to envy to the Northern Lights, and so on and so forth. The performance ended with a standing ovation. 

After the show Zatanna shut herself up in her dressing room. She wanted to rest for a while, but above all she waited for the crowd to flow out. Given her shy nature, she had no desire to entertain herself with the fans. 

In the meantime she took off her stage clothes and, sitting in front of the mirror, began to sip a moscow mule that the theater crew had kindly offered her. A hanging pendant caught her  attention. Whose was it? Certainly not hers. She grabbed it.


"Damn you son of a bitch!" Zatanna exclaimed, betraying her usual composure. She was mad at Paralell-X, of course. The pendant had led her to one of his microworlds. She was trapped in a sort of large glass cylinder positioned inside a cold and bare laboratory. She knew what was going to happen. Parallel-X wasted no time. Inside the "cage" electric discharges were generated which hit poor Zatanna.

 The pain was beyond her imagination. The energy tore off her clothes. Evidently Parallel-X had enjoyed dressing her up so that he could strip her back again. 

Despite the agony, the girl's body looked magnificent.

So too Zatanna had fallen victim to the Paralell-X atrocities. Who would be next?


 Who do you like to see as next Paralell-X's victim? Let me know in the comments!


 Note: The materials displayed above are just fantasies. All the characters are the intellectual property of their owners and hereby used solely for the purpose of fan-based fiction and artistic expression. This blog is absolutely against all forms of violence and harassment.
