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The Earth seen from space was magnificent, of a beauty that amazes, even who had seen so many planets. Gregyx watched it thoughtfully from his ship. He wondered if he looked just as beautiful from the inside, and above all why his father had sent him right there. It certainly wasn't a present. At least the first question would soon have an answer. It was time to land. "Paos, restart the engines and activate the descent system." The spacecraft crossed the atmosphere with the same delicacy of a tiny pebble thrown by a child sinking into a lake. The very advanced technology made it invisible to any type of terrestrial detection system. After a few seconds it was already settling on the ground of a desert area. Two figures with humanoid shapes and blue skin descended from it. "Holy shit, how cold. From the images I had seen it it seemed to be a much warmer place”, said the shorter of the two. Indeed, they had ended up in the middle of the Russian tundra. “Is this the first planet you visit? You should know that there can be very different temperatures inside it." The grumpy one pulled a small piece of obviously alien bark out of his pocket, put it in his mouth and began chewing it nervously. "Gregyx, all that mikinat is not good for you", the other told him. Gregyx ignored the comment. "Let's not get lost in chatter, let's start the Mynphys mission"


Somewhere else it was a fairly mild night. An elderly black lady was reporting something to a small group of people gathered in a bleak abandoned park.

"Thank you for coming. The job I propose to you is very ambitious. It is ..." Amanda Waller was interrupted by a beautiful woman with Asian features, dark complexion and long and straight black hair. Doctor Light wore a dark blue costume with a white star on her chest. Her real name was Kimiyo Hoshi and she was a superheroine.

"Wait a minute, first I'd like to know some essential information, what is the wage? I do nothing for less than ten thousand dollars a day", said Hoshi very bluntly.

"Actually, the wage will depend on how the mission goes. But I can assure that if you do a good job the reward will be rich."

"I don't give a damn about wages and rewards, you worry me, Amanda. Your evil mind is capable of anything", Batman said.

“We are not all multibillionaires and owners of skyscrapers all around the globe, Bruce” acidly commented Hoshi.

“Oh please, you got to rub my face in it every time you meet me?”

Behind them Hawkgirl, Red Tornado and Stargirl watched the theatrics in silence with a visibly perplexed air.

“Calm down, or everything will go to hell. Bruce, I know we've been rivals in the past, but you have to trust me. The lives of many innocent people are at stake. And mine too, of course."

"I don't want to be annoying, but I don't work on trust." Hoshi said. “I wanna know how much money I'm risking my life for, is that too much to ask?”

"I didn't remember you’re so greedy, Hoshi" said Batman.

“Shut up, Batman.”

“Doctor Light, unfortunately I can not give you a precise answer at the moment.”

“I get it. Goodbye and good luck.” Hoshi took off and disappeared into the sky.

She was annoyed because she had stopped watching of Breaking Bad for such a waste of time. She was hungry. "I'll pop over for some good sushi and then... Netflix", she thought. A bird bumped her. “Ouch, stupid ugly beast!”

Suddenly the dark sky turned white. She was no more over the sky of Chicago, not at all. It looked like a kind of open-air warehouse full of boxes. The bing-watching night was over.

"Who I am? My enemies call me Parallel-X, my friends call me… well, that's none of your business." He said chuckling. “I won't say more about myself. I read your fact sheet: you are an absolutely minor superhero. And, to be honest, I am a lover of drama."

“What fact sheet are you talking about? What the hell do you want from me? " Hoshi got into an attacking position, with her hands ready to convey all her energy. But there was no trace of energy. "Damn you! What happened to my powers?! Answer me or I swear I'll kill you, son of a bitch! "

“What bad words! I had read that the Japanese were an incredibly polite people, but you ... "

"I understand, it's all a hallucination. Amanda Waller must have drugged me."

“No hallucinations, Doctor Light. Right now you are in a parallel reality that I created especially for you. Aren't you honored? You have no powers because I make the rules here."

Hoshi suddenly lost her usual arrogance. "Why me? Do you want to kill me?"

“I don't want to kill you, I literally want to hurt you. But don't worry, I'll leave you to your life later."

Hoshi did not have time to think of a reply that her body was pervaded by an excruciating pain, incalculable, by far the strongest ever experienced in her entire life. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH !!" She could feel her flesh on fire. The costume was tearing apart, torn by a white and purplish energy, similar in shape and substance to that of a thousand lightning bolts. Hoshi hoped to die quickly.

Instead she woke up a few minutes later. She glimpsed five blurry figures standing around her. A thud had interrupted Miss Waller's briefing. They had found Hoshi completely naked and unconscious and with a decidedly suffering expression on her face."Amanda, can we postpone the mission until tomorrow?" Batman asked. The woman reluctantly agreed.

"You were quick", Paox said. Gregyx dragged himself towards his companion at the foot of the ship. "Creating new worlds on this planet is more expensive than I thought."

"Chemistry? Magnetism?"

"Maybe both, and who knows what else. But it will get better and better. Now I need to find a safe place where I can rest for the next few weeks. It is likely that someone will come looking for us."

“We can stay here. The closest city, Noril'sk, is one hundred kilometers from here. Basically, nobody come through here. But to be honest, I doubt that anyone on Earth has any technology capable of capturing our activities. We can rest assured."


No one knew yet, but it was the beginning of a new era.

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Note: The materials displayed above are just fantasies. All the characters are the intellectual property of their owners and hereby used solely for the purpose of fan-based fiction and artistic expression. This blog is absolutely against all forms of violence and harassment.
