London 5th October 1940


A light brown-haired woman was washing dishes when the explosion of a bomb dropped a few miles away made the kitchen vibrate frightfully.

"Bloody hell! Jane is still out ... we have to get out of here! " Wendy Darling exclaimed. Unfortunately she had to deal with her teenage daughter who was strongly against it. She had decided that she would help people in need, especially the displaced people whose homes had gone to dust, destroyed by German planes.

Wendy heard another noise, much less intense than a bomb, but certainly closer, as it seemed to come from the living room.

"Daniel, is that you?" she said aloud. She received no reply. She opened the bedroom door and saw that her son was sleeping. When she closed the door behind her a scream choked in her throat.

"Hook ... what are you doing here?" she asked in a voice limping with fright.

“Wendy! Long time no see! You have become a beautiful woman, congratulations! " said the pirate. "I'm here because I have a small mission to accomplish"

"Mission? What you mean?!"

Hook unsheathed his sword. "What are you doing?! You don't want to kill me do you?" Wendy asked, terrified.

“Oh, no, no! Do not worry. This is a particular sword. Or rather… it's my usual sword, but it has received a spell. Now it's a klidatun"

"A what?"

"A klidatun, an object capable of extracting the Pearls of the Rat from the bodies of the keepers, like you"

“Are you looking for those pearls again? You tried with me when I was young and you failed miserably"

“This time I'm definitely optimistic. At the very least, I will console myself by enjoying your screams of pain. Do you remember them? "

Wendy remembered them perfectly.

Hook finally took action: sparkling green lightning sprang from the tip of his sword and hit Wendy.






Hook stared at the pearl in his hand: it was beautiful. Wendy was on the ground in pain, on her knees.

"Well, now we just have to wait for the sweet Jane"

"Bastard! Try to touch her and I'll kill you "

Just then the keys turned in the lock.

"Jane runs away!" her mother yelled at her.

Jane did not hear and went inside.

"Mom! What are you doing on the ground? Who are you? "

"I'm an old friend of your mother"

“That's not true, Jane! He wants to hurt you, run away! "

Hook moved in front of the front door, blocking every way out.

"Come at me, little girl." Hook approached menacingly to Jane, who responded by grabbing a candlestick.

Taking advantage of being out of his sight, Wendy took a vase and smashed it on Hook's head. The blow wasn't strong enough to make him pass out, but it did buy a few seconds. Right at that moment a funny boy dressed in green appeared at the window.

“Who the hell is this? We are on the third floor! " thought Jane. Then, amazed, she realized that he was flying.

"Peter!" Wendy shouted. "Thank God! Please take Jane with you "

“But mom! I do not know who he is"

“Trust me, I love you, my darling,” Wendy said as tears streamed down her cheeks.

Meanwhile, after a few moments of numbness, Hook had come to his senses. “Damn Peter Pan! Did you follow me, you, filthy man!? "

He threw himself on Jane. His hand touched her ankle, but just then Peter grabbed Jane's wrist and dragged her out. The two set off at full speed towards Neverland. Hook was in pursuit, but he was much slower. On the other hand, it was the first time he used magic dust to fly.

Jane was dangling, held by the arms of the stranger, tens and tens of meters high. From above, the houses appeared tiny, but only then she fully realizez the disasters of the war. Hundreds of buildings were destroyed. The black smoke from the last bomb dropped on the city was still visible, despite the fact that they had been flying for quite some time now. Jane felt wonder and horror at the same time. The good news is that they had outrun Hook.

By now there was only the sea below them. It had been like this for hours; and in the meantime it was dawn.

"Here we are!" Peter suddenly exclaimed. An island stood out on the horizon. It wasn't very big, but it looked lush and welcoming.

They landed in the middle of the woods that covered a large part of the island.

"This is my home, you'll be fine," said Peter, smiling.

“Thank you so much for saving me and for giving me hospitality, but I would like to go home soon. My mother needs me "

“I know, but at least you're safe here. This forest is practically a labyrinth, Hook can't get there, despite having been trying for years "

"Do you know why he is looking for me?"

“Honestly no. I saw him leave the island and followed him; it was the first time I saw him leave the island by air "

"This thing that you fly is incredible"

“Hehe, this place is magical. Your mother used to come often when she was a child, it's strange she never told you about it "

"Thinking about it, when I was little she told me about a certain Neverland, but I thought it was just a fairy tale"

"You'll be sleepy I guess"

"Yeah, I haven't slept since yesterday"

"I have a very comfortable bed, you'll see"




"It's true, it has a very comfortable bed," thought Jane laughing. She had awakened in a room made entirely of straw and wood. As she approached the window she noticed that it was built on a tree.

Peter arrived shortly after. "I brought you some fruit". He handed Jane a plate full of bananas, kiwis, and coconuts. "You spoil me," Jane said in a satisfied voice. "We should teach Hook a lesson, don't you think?" Jane asked. "Peter?" Her friend was silent, with wide-open eyes and a blank stare. "Peter?" “Oh my god, I'm a jerk. We have to leave now. How did I not think about it before? "

"What are you talking about?"

 "Hook's ... the only way to fly is ..."

"Good morning lads!" Captain Hook was in their room; and the whole crew was with him.




Three hours earlier

The Black Salmon was moored on the west side of the island. It was a medium-sized sailing ship on which stood an unusual flag for pirates, albeit inspired by the famous Jolly Roger: two crossed fishbones surmounted by a white skull on a black background. Hook had designed it himself; his subordinates had tried to point out that the result was not great, but they had chosen to desist, given the irascible character of their captain.

The whole crew was gathered on the main deck around a crystal ball.

“Smee! I have to admit, you are a genius! " Hook exclaimed, giving a puff of cigar.

"Actually, the idea came from that mysterious guy," a middle-aged man with a good-natured air replied softly.

“You are an idiot, not a genius! You could have taken credit for once” said Tozy, the first mate.

"I spent years and years trying to catch Peter Pan in vain, but only now did I realize that you were the key, my dear Tinkerbell," Hook said to the little creature inside the sphere. “Please don't make me hurt you. Indeed, I will be magnanimous, I will give you one percent of the gold we owe; I just ask you to take us to Peter Pan's hiding place "

In response, the fairy showed him her middle finger.

"I'm tired ... Smee, how did that guy say you use this thing?" Hook began to knock on the sphere at random, but nothing happened. Smee put her hand on the glass and began to scrub.

"It was something like that" said the boatswain "but it doesn't happen anythi ...". Suddenly some lightnings were generated inside the sphere.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaargh !!" Tinkerbell was hit by those electric shocks and started screaming in pain.

"Ah, then you have the voice!" Hook exclaimed, amused. “Oh my God, how does it turn off now? If we kill her it is a disaster "

Smee repeated the procedure and the electrical storm luckily stopped.

"Then? Are you taking us to Peter Pan or not? "

Tinkerbell spat on the glass. The kind appearance of that tiny fair-haired fairy hid a warrior.






Smee had figured out how to adjust the intensity of the shock based on the rubbing. The pain for Tinkerbell was becoming more and more unbearable and after two hours of torture she gave up.




“I was afraid you were more clever, Peter Pan. Anyone smarter than you would have known right away that we had captured Tinkerbell; only she owns the magic dust to fly. Instead you made things easier for me. I thank you."


Hook's henchmen took Peter and Jane and led them to the Black Salmon, where they locked them up in the lower deck.

"I'm sorry, Jane, it's all my fault," Peter said crying.

“Don't be foolish, you've done too much. Do you think they will kill us? "

“I'm done for; you, on the other hand, I'm sure you'll be fine. He will take what he wants from you and then let you go. In a way, he too has his own code of honor.

The hatch opened. "Come on girl, it's your time," said a pirate who was missing an arm.

Jane was taken to the deck and tied with ropes. "Can you tell me what you want from me?" she shouted to Hook.

"I want your mouse pearl," said the pirate with a grin.

"What are you talking about?! I have no pearl! "

"It's inside you, Jane. And I will extract it”. He grabbed the sword and pointed it at the girl. Jane was joined by flaming red bolts; she felt an indescribable and unbearable pain. She felt that something was coming out of her body, tearing apart her organs. 

Then the pain disappeared and she passed out.




“Jane! Thank goodness, you're alive! " it was her mother's voice.

"Am I home again?"

“Yes, honey, I found you in the living room this morning. Please tell me they didn't hurt you "

"No, don't worry," Jane lied.

"I hope it was Peter who brought you back here"

"I hope so too," Jane replied with a sigh.


Note: The materials displayed above are just fantasies. All the characters are the intellectual property of their owners and hereby used solely for the purpose of fan-based fiction and artistic expression. This blog is absolutely against all forms of violence and harassment.
