It was the last day of school at Lawndale High School, the atmosphere in the corridors was therefore cheerful and carefree.

The students, especially the girls, had taken advantage of this to wear more elegant clothes; even the most unexpected, such as Jane Lane, who was wearing sandals for the occasion, probably for the first time in her life. In fact, Jane was a tough girl, and her style reflected her character. She was an artist, a painter, she loved rock music and knew how to be caustic and sarcastic. A bit like her best friend, Daria Morgendoffer. She was one of the brightest students in the school, very intelligent, but with a very crude and pessimistic outlook on life. She was also quite insecure about her appearance, so much so that she was the only one who dressed exactly as usual.

"Do you want to become a Hollywood diva too?" Daria asked Jane, staring at her feet. “I wanted to try to conform to the crowd for once, to understand how it feels. Unfortunately, this experiment cost me $ 80 for the pedicure”. "To match the mass you should also give away three quarters of your neurons," Daria retorted. "Thank you for the compliment, but you're worrying me ... why are you so acid today?"

Daria stayed silent for a few seconds, then rummaged in her backpack and handed a piece of paper to Jane, who read it aloud. Daria, you will regret refusing my love. My revenge will be tremendous. “I bet it's from Upchuck. What do you worry about, you know he’s so melodramatic ”. "He's also completely crazy" added Daria "I can already imagine the headlines: Lawndale student beheaded, there’s a nationwide manhunt going on... not that I would mind... a bloody death, why not?" Jane burst out laughing. “Talking about Upchuck reminded me that I have to go to the bathroom, see you in class,” Daria said.

 “Hey Jane! Are you happy that it's the last day? ". Speaking was Jodie Landon, an attractive Afro-American girl and one of the few people in the school that Jane and Daria valued. "Well, for a few months I won't have to deal with the same faces and their boring lives every day." "I can't blame you," Jodie replied, laughing. "Programs for the summer?". “Sleeping all day, every day, of course. And you?". "I will visit Europe with my parents. We will land in London and then from there we will move to... " “Can you hear this sound of scrap metal? " Jane interrupted. She was actually hearing it. The two girls turned behind them, towards where that noise, which was becoming more and more intense, seemed to originate. "What the hell?!" they both exclaimed. An absurd device had entered the school. It was a strange vehicle with very angular shapes that moved thanks to mechanical legs that were very reminiscent of the legs of spiders. "But that's Upchuck!" Jodie exclaimed "what the fuck is he going to do ?!" Well yes, driving that curious car was he himself, the most unpopular boy in school: nerd, ugly, poor at sports but an absolute genius in mathematics and engineering.

 Upchuck was piloting his creation with a satisfied air. He felt like the marathon runner who broke into the arena to complete his lap of glory. And now let's have fun, he said to himself. He pressed a red button in the center of the dashboard; From the front of the car some kind of metallic tentacles came out. Jane and Jodie winced; those tentacles had all the air of coming towards them. They weren't wrong. The tentacles wrapped and squeezed them tightly. “Upchuck are you crazy? Free us now, you ugly asshole! " Jane cried. The student smiled wickedly and then hit another button, this time yellow, with a black lightning bolt drawn on it.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH !!" Jane and Jodie screamed in pain; the tentacles were electrocuting them. 


Chaos broke out around them. There were those who screamed, those who ran away and those who remained motionless as if petrified. 

Brittany Taylor and Queen Morgendorffer were part of the latter.

Daria was combing her hair in the bathroom mirror; she could hear strange screams coming from outside. When she came out she was petrified. Those screams were from four schoolgirls being tortured with electric shocks: her best friend Jane, Jodie Landon; Lawndale High's head cheerleader, Brittany Tayor; and her sister Queen. They were in great pain, she thought. 

Then she saw who was doing this to them, and knew it would soon be her too. She came close. Hupchuck released the four girls and captured Daria with the tentacles of his car. 

She closed her eyes and prepared to feel terrible pain, but nothing happened. In return she was kidnapped. Upchuck took her out of the school and sped towards an unknown destination. Then Daria felt something sting on her belly: a needle had injected some substance into her body. She felt groggy and soon passed out.


Meanwhile Jane, Jodie, Brittany and Queen were rescued. Jane however refused any help and ran home; she hadn't noticed Daria's kidnapping. Once in her room she uncorked a bottle of vodka and drank it all, down to the last drop. Then she opened another one; she continued drinking all day until she fell into a deep sleep, completely drunk.

Brittany cried a long time in the arms of her boyfriend, Kevin, the quarterback of the school football team. “Did I even look nice while they tortured me? I hope my makeup didn’t spoil”. "Hony, you are beautiful on every occasion" he replied, in a dialogue of rare emptiness.

Even Jodie did not hold back her tears and was consoled by her boyfriend, but she did it with a very different sobriety.

Queen was just thinking about how other students would react. Would its popularity drop? Was being tortured cool? In short, Daria and her sister were extremely different people.




"So, you thinking about sleeping all day?! " Daria was awakened by Upchuck's unpleasant voice. Perfect, she was bound to a definetely threatening-looking machine. “Oh finally! Courage, we have to do here!”. "Oh yes? And what do you want to do? Kill myself? Torture me? " "Kill you? I'm not a killer. I just want to get some justice".

"Why did you take off my shoes? " Daria asked, ignoring the rants of her captor. “You have very nice little feet, you know? I really want to lick them "" You make me disgusted "" You're not in the position to be so insolent, don't you think? " She didn't answer him. "I guess if you lower that lever I'll be electrocuted, what are you waiting for?" he said in a detached tone of challenge. “Haha! I see that you are as impatient as I am… I'll settle you immediately ”.



"What? Has Daria been kidnapped ?!”. A few minutes earlier Helen Morgendorffer had received the call that no parent would ever want to receive. She left like a flash the law firm where she worked and rushed to the place indicated on the phone by the kidnapper. As requested by the latter, she had not alerted the police; after all, the incompetence of the Lawndale agents was known. More than anything else it was a town where nothing ever happened. Even a good cop would stop being able to do his job in those conditions.

"Shitty traffic!" Helen barked at the wheel of her SUV.




"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!" Meanwhile Upchuck continued to torture Daria. "Please stop!" the girl begged. “I'm sorry, you haven't suffered enough yet. You have to pay for what you did to me down to the last cent "he retorted. "May I know what you mean? Just because i don’t return your feelings? Do you have any idea how many people are or have been in your situation? Life goes on, you can't ... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH !! " "Shut up!" Upchuck lowered the lever again , interrupting Daria's wise speech. “You ruined my life, do you understand? You and your friends did that gossiping behind me, avoiding me. I have no friends because of you! " “You have no friends because you are a sociopath!...


 Upchuck had increased the voltage; Daria was exhausted. Then She heard a clack of heels and immediately recognized her mother's walk. The door opened: it was her. "Daria!" Helen saw her daughter tied to that infernal machinery and burst into tears. 

She was practically naked; electricity had torn her clothes to pieces: that green jacket and miniskirt so dear to her. Miss Morgendorffer ran towards her daughter, but as soon as she did she was instantly struck by a very powerful electric shock.

Upchuck grinned; everything had gone according to his plans.

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 Note: The materials displayed above are just fantasies. All the characters are the intellectual property of their owners and hereby used solely for the purpose of fan-based fiction and artistic expression. This blog is absolutely against all forms of violence and harassment.


